No picnic and important updates

We are Sandrat Strong!

Didn’t get a postcard? Don’t worry. We didn’t send any out!

There will be no annual North Lawrence Improvement Association Picnic held in September of 2020 because of the coronavirus crisis.

Peace Mennonite Church does not plan to open their doors again until late fall, if at all, this year. So, NLIA monthly meetings are not going forward, either. Most residents we’ve talked with do not even feel comfortable meeting in person inside, even if we were to remain socially distanced. The board agrees that it is just too risky to meet in person.

Please email nliacoordinator at gmail dot com or give Ted a call at home if you have any specific neighborhood concerns or questions. You can find our contact information in previous newsletters. If you’d like to renew your yearly dues, you can mail or drop a check by to Ted or Alison.

We have also delayed the summer newsletter. We haven’t had anything to report, even though Ted has stayed busy helping Ballard Center and other residents of NoLaw. He’s also been communicating for a few months with City Hall and KU about neighbors’ concerns regarding the students returning to town.

We WILL be starting our Christmas collection for Ballard Center and our adopted families in October. We will do a stronger push on social media to remind people that we are still collecting for this year.

Ted also has NLIA merchandise and t-shirts for sale: the regular NLIA shirts and the new social distancing t-shirt are available. $2 of each t-shirt sale goes to Ballard Center.

We will keep you updated via this website and Facebook regarding the Cabin Fever Chili Supper in February. It’s likely this event will not happen, either. We will be keeping a close eye on the pandemic numbers.

We are happy to see that Uplift Coffee is doing a GREAT job serving our community safely, and that a new restaurant may be coming in at 3rd and Elm after the Levee closed. If you’ve got any other coronavirus crisis success stories to share, we’d love to hear them! And if you’ve got something extra, please remember that Ballard Center can always use financial help. Every dollar helps.

Stay safe and well, everyone. Hope to see you in 2021.






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