Heads up, North Lawrence!
NLIA is starting a survey project this month and we really want the input of every neighbor in North Lawrence.
The online survey will be posted here on our page, shared with the North Lawrence groups, and it will be posted on our website.
We will have folks walking the neighborhood starting this weekend 7/16 to talk to neighbors about the survey.
Please let your neighbors who are not online know that these folks really are volunteers from NLIA.
If you or a neighbor would like to receive a paper copy of the survey to return in person rather than fill out the survey online, please email our survey address or call the number listed below.
With the information from the survey we will be working to make North Lawrence an even better place to live as well as work to strengthen our position with the City of Lawrence.
CALL: 785 260 0486 to leave a voicemail.
EMAIL: nliafeedback at gmail dot com to request a form
Please spread the word! Thanks.
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