April Meeting Minutes

Meeting started…7:04pm

16 residents in attendance

Ted starts discussing a brief on the solar panel issue by discussing the threat of flooding returning because of the proposal for the solar panels and its lack of a storm water plan. The pumps would essentially not be able to handle the capacity that the new solar panels would cause when it comes to storm water. The question is not when North Lawrence would flood due to the solar panels, it is when it will flood due to the solar panels.

Solar panels will add 11,000 acres of solar panels that will become impervious surfaces that will cause major issues for the storm water allocation of North Lawrence. An article has been published in the Lawrence Journal-World about the solar panel issues causing major flooding issues throughout the community.

A resident asked about a pump failing under the bridge last Tuesday, Ted clarifies that a pipe collapsed and that they had to go make repairs. There was a miscommunication with the direction of traffic and it was creating people parking on the railroad tracks. Ted spoke with the city commissioners on the issue of the parking and the issue on Tuesday. Ted calls for increased study on the storm water solar issue. Ted discusses the threats made by a Lawrence resident against city commissioners for writing a note against the closing of Camp New Beginnings.

A gas station attendant at the Phillips 66 stated that they still get about five to six transients per week looking for admittance to Camp New Beginnings and they are informed the camp is closed. Several homeless people turned down the Pallet Village because they thought it was too constraining and confining. The city will be disbanding camps one at a time to tackle the unsanctioned homeless issue.

Progress is being made on the homeless issue, but now we are confronted with the solar project issue. A resident spoke up about the ditches on Lincoln that are in poor condition to where they are having issues with excess water on Lincoln. Resident reports one place where the city worked on the ditches, then they stopped. Complaints are provided about the 6 million swimming pool improvements and VenturePark improvements on 15th street while ignoring the other issues.

Kyle talks about Ballard Center improvements to provide more services and improvements for kids. Kyle is currently trying to improve services at the Ballard, expanding capacity will come later. The groundbreaking for Ballard Center had about 350 attendees.

Woodlawn Elementary is the only school in Lawrence that is accredited. One of 71 schools in the State of Kansas. Woodlawn will be looking for a new principal as the current principal is leaving to be director of elementary schools across the City of Lawrence. Ted wants Ballard and Woodlawn to work closely in conjunction and that is being worked on. The NLIA paid off Woodlawn lunch debt and helped other low income families across the neighborhood.

A resident speaks about HeadQuarters Kansas with issues and with the suicide hotline being involved in potential issues. An article is provided in the Lawrence Times about HeadQuarters Kansas and the underlying issues with the executive staff of HeadQuarters Kansas and the problems seen with the board.

The presentation from ICL starts… 8:01pm

Jason Miller starts the presentation about ICL operations and services.

Meeting adjourned…9:02pm






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