Call to order: 7:05pm
Present: 13
Ted welcomed Commissioner Lawson for attending the meeting. Ted talked about the new divisions of the city that will create 6 districts and that neighborhoods will be paired up. The question is will neighborhoods be able to understand concerns of their partnering neighborhoods.
Neighbors shared at the meeting their concerns with the city not keeping residents in the forefront of their minds. They discussed rising taxes and their concerns with being able to live and survive in Lawrence a city they love. Ted discussed the need for continue to push for affordable housing.
Ted shared an email that was submitted by neighbor which shares ideas on how to reduce mosquitos in North Lawrence and this information will be shared in the summer newsletter. Neighbor asked Lawson how to get the ditches cleared to help to reduce standing water also aiding in the reduction with mosquitos. Lawson said to download the app “quick fix” to report the need for maintenance on the ditches.
Ted shared that 70 newsletters addressed and stamped were returned and he is following up with the post office to find out why this happened and will rectify this problem. Ted shared that there has not been any requests for online newsletters so we are going to continue to create a hard copy newsletter. The next newsletter will be sent out in July.
Ted shared the solar update and stated that the neighborhood is not against solar energy just against the location. He stated that he has attended meetings in regards to the solar project and heard disregard for the effect that it will have on the North Lawrence neighborhood. Ted continues to stress that this project will cause flooding in the neighborhood due to the chosen location. Ground water levels will rise and “you can’t build a pond on a pond”. Ted brought handouts for the neighbors to pick up that explain his concerns for the neighborhood due to a solar farm being installed in the current chosen spot. “It is not if we are going to flood it is when we are going to flood”. Ted shared his knowledge and history of flooding issues in the neighborhood and the evidence as to why this location for the solar farm is not a good idea. Ted shared how much he has fought for pumps to pump water out of the neighborhood and the need for more to be done to prevent flooding in North Lawrence. He also shared that when the underpass on 2nd street floods no emergency vehicles can get into the neighborhood in a timely fashion. Ted had time studies done that found that it will take emergency vehicles 15 minutes to traverse the turnpike and exit at the toll booth in North Lawrence.
Ted shared potential plans for improvements to be made to the current bridge making it more pedestrian friendly and connecting it to Burcham Park and the loop.
Ted opened the meeting to other business. A neighbor asked Lawson when they would open the right turn off the bridge onto 6th street and she stated as soon as they are finished the area located at Kentucky Street.
Neighbor brought up that the quiet zone is a concern for her as a runner. Neighbor stated that she depends on the horns. Ted explained that there will be updates made to the crossings to ensure safety.
Coordinator reminded neighbors to submit addresses for the garage sale if they want to be included in the map to make shopping easy for shoppers.
Neighbors brought up the full size buses are too big for North Lawrence. Another Neighbor stated that the city were great and filled a pothole in front of their driveway in a timely fashion that had the potential to burst tires.
The Neighborhood Cook-out scheduled for June 8th may be postponed. Keep a look out on Facebook.
Neighbors expressed liking the new play ground for the children.
Neighbor expressed the need for tennis to return to the neighborhood and basketball to remain to support children participating and playing on middle school and high school tennis and basketball teams.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm
May Meeting Minutes
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